You may have heard that Volvo Penta’s distinctive yellow coolant cannot be mixed with any other colors, and this is still the case. However, Volvo has now released VCS-2, which is a superior product in all aspects and has transitioned to an orange colour.

- Improved corrosion prevention and rust of metal parts in the cooling circuit and engine
- Extend the life of rubber and plastic components of the coolant system
- Prevents electrolysis: corrosion caused when coolant breaks down and becomes electrically charged
- Can be mixed with VCS, the yellow VCS and orange VCS-2 are interchangeable
- Improved oxidation stability
- Improved health and more environmentally friendly with the toxic elements removed
- Mixing concentrated VCS-2 with deionized water to a 50/50 ratio provides protection down to -37°
*Never mix Volvo Penta VCS or VCS-2 with any other coolants. Green, Blue, Pink or Orange (that is not VCS-2)*